Adult Learning Programs

We firmly believe that Jewish education does not stop after your B’Nai Mitzvah. Learning is a lifelong process. We each must take it upon ourselves to deepen our commitment to and understanding of Jewish culture, teachings, practices, and the Hebrew language. Luckily, Temple Emanu-El is here to help.

Some of our current ongoing programs include:

Judaism 101 

Rabbi Cohen provides a close look at the basics of Judaism, giving important context to what it means to be Jewish today.

We Talk Hebrew! 

Learn modern conversational Hebrew with Cantor Singer.

Sisterhood Study Group

A women’s study group that meets select Friday mornings with Rabbi Kirshner.

And Hazak, our program formed by and for our older members, who want to deepen their knowledge of our Jewish texts.


Hazak is geared for our veteran members that have poured sweat and tears and resources into our Temple over the decades.

Step into the sanctuary of Temple Emanu-El and find solace, connection, and purpose waiting for you today.