B’nai Mitzvah

Celebrating becoming a B’nai mitzvah is a special and meaningful  milestone, wherein your child is recognized as an adult within Jewish heritage and tradition. At our congregation, watching your child read Torah and lead our prayers communally is a source of pride and inspiration.

The B’nai mitzvah process first begins for our Religious School students in the 4th grade, with the assignment of a b’nai mitzvah date. Although it mightl feel impossibly far in the future, there is much that needs to happen in between the assignment of the date and the planning of the event, as well as the advancement of your child’s Jewish education.

Every step in this special journey is detailed in our B’nai Mitzvah packet. We encourage you to download this PDF and view it with your child as a family, to better familiarize yourself with the timeline to your child’s ultimate simcha.

The process of becoming a B’nai Mitzvah at our synagogue includes studying Hebrew, learning the teachings of Torah, leading and participating in Shabbat services, and performing mitzvot. In order to be properly prepared for one’s B’nai Mitzvah, your child will have individualized meetings with Cantor Singer, Rabbi Kirshner, and Rabbi Cohen,  in addition to their attendance of Temple Emanu-El’s Religious School. Please contact Rabbi Jeremy Ruberg, Rabbi for Lifelong Learning, for more information at  ruberg@tecloster.org.

Our clergy is available to assist Temple Emanu-El members with all lifecycle events, in support of you and your family: To celebrate with you in times of joy and to guide you in moments of struggle, from the beginning of life to its inevitable culmination.  Families must be a member of Temple Emanu-El to celebrate a lifecycle with us. 

Chareen Kramer, Executive Assistant to Clergy,  will be happy to assist in the coordination of any lifecycle event. Please call 201-750-9997 ext 207 or email her at  kramer@tecloster.org.

Step into the sanctuary of Temple Emanu-El and find solace, connection, and purpose waiting for you today.