Catering for Events

We love the occasion to celebrate a wedding, b’nai mitzvah, bris, or any other lifecycle event at our synagogue. 

Should you want to provide catering for these joyous events, we work exclusively with Northern Valley Affairs to provide delicious food for all attendees.  

Temple Emanu-El follows standard kashrut laws, and so too does Northern Valley Affairs in their catering offerings.

Our clergy is available to assist Temple Emanu-El members with all lifecycle events, in support of you and your family: To celebrate with you in times of joy and to guide you in moments of struggle, from the beginning of life to its inevitable culmination.  Families must be a member of Temple Emanu-El to celebrate a lifecycle with us. 

Chareen Kramer, Executive Assistant to Clergy,  will be happy to assist in the coordination of any lifecycle event. Please call 201-750-9997 ext 207 or email her at

Step into the sanctuary of Temple Emanu-El and find solace, connection, and purpose waiting for you today.