Texas Hold’Em
Thu | January 23 | 7:30 PM
Duration: 7:30 pm — 10:00 pm
Fundraiser to benefit Israel and Magen David Adom – Israel’s national EMS organization.
$6500 PRIZE POOL* (based on 100 players)
- $100 pre-registration includes 5K + 500 bonus chips & food
- $100 at door includes food
- $200 table sponsor includes one seat, 5K + 500 bonus chips, food, plus your name on the screen and around the room
-Re-buys and add ons are available.
-Full list of rules provided the night of the tournament.
-All prizes to be awarded as gift cards*
RSVP HERE by January 21st and get 10% extra chips!
Not a poker player? Donations welcome.